Greetings and welcome to  our website, we dedicate this website to all of you who appreciate the fishing we enjoy in the northwest corner of our province.

We are happy to announce that we have obtained permission from the original author as well as another website, to republish what may well be the most important set of articles ever written in regards to the survival of salmon and steelhead in the Skeena River and its tributaries. We are thrilled to bring you the expert opinion of Bob Hooton.

All our lake videos have been updated, and we have added two new lakes. Kitseguecla Lake  and Taltzen Lake .

We feature both lake and river fishing, we love them both equally, we will not be doing weekly fishing reports its too much work for an old fart to do and it always occurs when we ourselves are busy fishing as well. On the other hand if there is important news and we have time to post it, we will share it with you as quickly as we can. Hopefully we can give you the information that is missing from all the other fishing websites that are more about advertising than they are about fishing.

You will also find some hard hitting commentary, due to the absolute neglect of our lakes and rivers by both the Ministry of Environment and the DFO, we will not sidestep issues, forget politically correct, it will be no holds barred commentary in defending and protecting our fish, our lakes, our rivers and our children’s future. And no we are not environmental idiots or activists (same thing) we are and remain committed to looking after our heritage. If we do not speak up we may just lose it forever.

I would like to take this opportunity to request something from our lake fishing community. If you really love our lakes and I am sure you do, start demanding that the goverment does a current fish inventory on every lake in our region, waiting until the fish hit extinction is not management, its mismanagement. When you check our list of lakes, have a look at the last time out goverment cared enough about our lakes to inventory them.

CAUTION: Do not pay for any river salmon licence until you are sure the rivers you intend to fish will have a salmon opening, unless you do not mind donating the money to the DFO. To date they have never refunded anyone for a non tidal salmon licence that we were ever aware of, and closures seems to be the order of the day regardless of public meetings, that are little more than PR stunts.

FROM THE EDITORS DESKMost of the lakes in our region have some history attached and with so many logging pioneers passing on, much of our rich history is lost. We would sure appreciate it if anyone knows about the history of some of these lakes, please contact us so we can share our rich history, if not for logging and mining we would not have all these stunning gems in our region to enjoy. Please use our contact us page, and we will reply by email.