Kitwancool Lake

Kitwancool Lake


  • Warf: there was an old one (unknown if it is still there)
  • Boat Launch: unknown
  • RV Friendly: No
  • Tables: Yes
  • Toilets: unkown
  • Fees: No
  • Campsites: unknown
  • Google Earth Kitwancool Lake KML  (note unzip first)

Location: Kitwancool Lake is found along the Stewart Cassiar Highway (Hwy 37), about 30 km north of the bridge over the Skeena River.

Note: We hiked in during the winter in a location not accessible to drive to the lake, so we have no other information at this time. We were in here (see screenshot below) We took that road in to the lower end of the lake.

The pins indicate where the photos were taken.

You have two choices the east side, from the highway, or you can take the Kitwancool Forest Service Road to the lake’s western side where the best camping spots are at.

This lake has many species of fish, below is a list of known fish in this lake. Threespine Stickleba, Prickly Sculpin,Largescale Sucker, Cutthroat Trout, Dolly Varden, Mountain Whitefish, Northern Pikeminnow, Peamouth Chub, Pygmy Whitefish, Rainbow Trout, Redside Shiner, Pink Salmon, Chinook Salmon, Chum Salmon, Coho Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Kokanee and Steelhead.

This lake is also known as the headwaters for the Kitwanga river and is often also called Kitwanga lake.


Bathymetric Maps courtesy of the BC Taxpayers

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