- Warf: No
- Boat Launch: Yes
- RV Friendly: No
- Tables: Yes
- Toilets: Yes
- Fees: No
- Campsites: 5
- Maintained by BC Forest Service
- Google Earth KML Torkelsen Lake (note unzip first)
There are 5 very nice campsites here, the lake has lots of pan sized Cutthroat Trout, and we are trying to obtain more information on the fish stocks in this lake.
Fish Species: The last Biophysical Inventory/Assessment was done in 1995 that shows the following species of fish were found Redside Shiner, White Sucker, Burbot, Cutthroat Trout, Lake Chub, Longnose Sucker.
If we can find one we will add a Bathymetric Map in the near future.
Directions: From Smithers go to the junction on highway 16 just east of Smithers and turn at the Babine Lake Road, drive approximately 54 km to the Nilkitkwa Road then turn left or west onto the 418 Road (there is or was a sign there on your left) follow it for approx. 1.2 km to a turn off on your left (there was or is also a sign here) you will find the site 400 meters down the road on the lake.
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